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NGN Pricelist
USD pricelist
NGN Pricelist
CBMS Odoo Bank Details
CBMS Bank Details CBMS Bank Details
CBMS Odoo Company Layout header
Reports with header & Receivers Signature
CBMS Odoo Accounting Automation
CBMS Accounting Automation
CBMS Accounting Automation
CBMS Odoo GRN on Accounting
Goods Receipt Note GRN menu in accounting
CBMS Odoo Company Branches
Long description of module's purpose
This module will help to add branches in company
CBMS Odoo Website Easy Add to Cart
This Module is used to Add product in cart, easy to Add product in cart, dynamic add to cart option, dynamic product add to cart option, easy add to cart option on shop This Module is used for easy to Add product in cart
CBMS Odoo Task Delegation and Subtasks CBMS ODOO
BrowseInfo developed a new CBMS ODOO/OpenERP module apps
task tracking Task Delegation and Subtasks Task and Subtasks task management subtasks
project subtasks project task project sub-tasks
task allocation task Project Task SubTask Checklist
Task SubTask Checklis SubTask Checklist
Add Subtasks on Project Task Add Subtasks on task
Custom task Custom project Customized task Divide task Custom Project management.
Sub-task for task Parent child task Subtask Management on Project Delegation on Task Issue ticket
Task tickit Add task improve task management divide task task break system task divide on sub tasks
project divide tasks divide subtasks project phase subtasks project phase sub-tasks
Apps use for Project task Subtasks management and Task Delegation project subtask project sub task tracking project sub-tasks task allocation Task SubTask Checklist Task checklist Add Subtasks on Project Task Add Subtasks on task Custom task customize task
CBMS Odoo Employee Overtime Request and Payroll
Overtime Requests And Payroll Integration
This module add below features which can be used to manage overtime requests:
* Overtime Requests: This will be request by employee.
* Multiple Overtime Requests: This request can be created by HR Manager or Department Manager on behalf of multiple employees together.
* Integrate Overtime Requests in Employee Payslips: This will show payslip lines in payslip of employee.
Note: This module add new group called "Department Manager(Overtime)" under Usability group.
HR Overtime Request and Payroll
Currently module will use fixed cost of employee on salary rule. Means you have to use fixed cost price / hour to calculate overtime allowance.
For manage employee overtime multiple request, whole process, approvals and intregrated with Payroll in CBMS ODOO.
employee overtime multiple request
Overtime Request
Employee Overtime
Employee Overtime Request
Human Resources/Overtimes
Human Resources/Overtimes/Overtime Requests
Human Resources/Overtimes/Overtime Requests to Approve
Human Resources/Overtimes/Overtime Requests to Approve By Department
Human Resources/Overtimes/Multiple Overtime Requests
Human Resources/Overtimes/Multiple Requests to Approve
Human Resources/Overtimes/Multiple Requests to Approve By Department
HR Overtime Request Payroll with overtime worksheet employee overtime request employee Multiple Overtime Requests hr employee overtime request with payslip overtime request with payroll integration Employee Payslip overtime timesheet hr overtime timesheet
CBMS Odoo General Ledger Report with Advance Filter(Enterprise Edition)
Detailed General Ledger
This apps helps to apply account and account type fiter on General Ledger Report
General Ledger Report filter by Accounts
General Ledger filter in CBMS ODOO
General Ledger filter for
Account Filter on General Ledger Reports
Accounting Filter on General Ledger Reports
Filter By Account on General Ledger Report
Account Filter on Accounting Report
General Ledger Report with Account Type Filter
General Ledger Report with analytic account
General Ledger filter with analytic account
General Ledger Report filter by Account Type
Account Type Filter on General Ledger Reports
Accounting Type Filter on General Ledger Reports
Filter By Account Type on General Ledger Report
Account Type Filter on Accounting Report
general Ledger report filter with Account
General Ledger report filter with account type
enterprise accounting report filter
General Ledger Report filter by Balance
Balace Filter on General Ledger Reports
With Balance Filter on General Ledger Reports
Without Balance Filter on General Ledger Reports
Filter By Balance on General Ledger Report
Balance without Filter on Accounting Report
general Ledger report filter with balance amount
General Ledger report filter without balance amount
enterprise general ledger report filter
View general ledger report with Display Name
Display Name on general Ledger Report
Display name visible on general ledger report
Apps for apply account and account type fiter on General Ledger Report by account type General Ledger Report with Account Type Filter General Ledger Report with Account Filter Enterprise General Ledger Report filter with account type
CBMS Odoo Employee Advance Salary Requests
This app allows employee to request for advance salary,
Employee Advance Salary Requests
This module allow employee to request for advance salary.
Main Features:
Employee advance salary request
Set salary limit on job position
Department Manager Approval
HR Officer/Manager Approval
Director Approval
Integrated with accounting for payment
Integrated with HR Payroll / Employee Payslips
We have created Department Manager, Director groups under settings/users/groups to control whole process.
Workflow: Draft->Confirmed->Approved by Department->Approved by HR->Approved by Director->Paid->Done
Advance Salary for employee Requests
Salary for employee Requests
Advance Salary for employee
hr Advance Salary for employee
hr Advance Salary for employee
Menus Available:
Employees/Advance Salary
Employees/Advance Salary/Advance Salary Requests
Employees/Advance Salary/Department Approvals
Employees/Advance Salary/Director Approvals
Employees/Advance Salary/HR Approvals
Invoicing/Purchases/Advance Salary Requests
Employee Advance Salary Requests
Under HR menu to request advance salary by employee (List view). Normal employee can see his/her on request.(Thanks to Security added in module) with multiple approval from the higher authority. Helps to generate a report about advance salary HR Advance Salary Request for Employee salary Advance Salary Request Approval Director Approval on employee Advance Salary Employee Payslip Advance Employee Advance Payslip Advance Salary for employee Requests Advance Salary for employee Salary approval
CBMS Odoo Automatic Backup (Dropbox, Google Drive, Amazon S3, SFTP)
Automatic Backup
Automatic Backup
CBMS Odoo HRMS Attendance Regularization
Assigning Attendance for the Employees with Onsight Jobs through the requests by Employees Assigning Attendance for the Employees with Onsight Jobs
CBMS Odoo Payment Approvals
This modules enables approval feature in the payment. This modules enables approval feature in the payment.
CBMS Odoo Vehicle Repair Shop Management Software VRSMS
This module will help you to manage your vehicle repair / service workshop very easily.
Main features:
It has many configuration option, that will make workshop management easier.
Options like separate and intuitive implementation of vehicles and services configuration.
You can categorize vehicle services.
Create different Service/Repair Teams by their expertise skills and assign different services to these teams.
To manage the vehicles you have options like vehicle types, brands(make), spare parts, fuel/engine types etc.
There is a feature to auto save a new vehicle by its plate number, and in future it will be used to fetch the
vehicle details while create a service work order. This will save your time.
Here we also provide an option to create service templates, You can create these templates and use them to create
a service work order very quickly.
In the settings there are options to manage the mail notifications.
It also gives you the reporting feature and much more.
CBMS ODOO workshop app
CBMS ODOO Vehicle Repair
vehicle Service app
Vehicle Repair Module
Allows you to easily manage your vehicle repair workshop.
CBMS Odoo Sales Invoice Discount with Tax Calculation
Manages the Discount in Sale order
Sale Invoice Discount with Tax
Sale Discount with Tax
Invoice Discount with Tax
Discount with Tax
tax discounted items
sale order discounted tax
discounted tax
tax discounted
sale discounted tax calculation
invoice discounted tax calculation
Manages the Discount in Sale order , Purchase Order and in whole Sale order/Purchase order basis on Fix
and Percentage wise as well as calculate tax before discount and after
discount and same for the Invoice.
This module also have following separated features.
-Global Discount on Invoice, Discount on purchase order, Global Discount on Sales order
-Discount on sale order line, Discount on purchase order line, Discount on Invoice line
-Discount purchase, Discount sale,Discount Invoice, Discount POS, Disount Order,Order Discount, Point of Sale Discount,Discont on pricelist, Fixed Discount, Percentage Discount, Commission, Discount Tax.
-All in One Discount, All discount, Sales Discount, Purchase Discount,Sales Invoice Discount, Purchase Invoice Discount,CBMS ODOO Discount, OpenERP Discount, Sale Order Discount, Purchase order discount, Invoice line Discount,Discount with Taxes, Order line Discount, sale line discount, purchase line discount,Discount on line.Discount Feature, Discount for all
discount and same for the Invoice.
discount on sale purchase invoice with tax
discount with tax on Sale Purchase Invoice Discount
Sale Purchase Invoice Discount
tax calculation with discount
sale discount
purchase discount
Invoice Discount
discount with tax
tax without discount
Discount on Sale Order
Discount On Purchase Order
discount on purchase orderline
Discount on Sale Orderline
Discount on Invoice Line (Invoices & Bills)
Account Discount
customer discount
CBMS ODOO sale invoice discount invoice sale discount CBMS ODOO vendor bill discount purchase vendor bill discount
CBMS ODOO Global Discount on Invoice Discount on purchase order Global Discount on Sales order CBMS ODOO
CBMS ODOO Discount on sale order line Discount on purchase order line Discount on Invoice line
CBMS ODOO Discount purchase Discount sale Discount Invoice Discount POS Disount Order Order Discount CBMS ODOO
CBMS ODOO discount Point of Sale Discount CBMS ODOO Discont on pricelist Fixed Discount Percentage Discount Commission
CBMS ODOO Discount Tax CBMS ODOO sales Global discount purchase Global discount invoice Global discount
CBMS ODOO All in One Discount All discount Sales Discount Purchase Discount Sales Invoice Discount Purchase Invoice Discount
CBMS ODOO Discount OpenERP Discount Sale Order Discount Purchase order discount Invoice line Discount CBMS ODOO
CBMS ODOO Discount with Taxes Order line Discount sale line discount purchase line discount Discount on line discount
CBMS ODOO Discount Feature Discount for all discount and same for the Invoice.
CBMS ODOO discount on sale purchase invoice with tax discount with tax on Sale Purchase Invoice Discount
CBMS ODOO Sale Purchase Invoice Discount tax calculation with discount
CBMS ODOO sale discount purchase discount
CBMS ODOO Invoice Discount CBMS ODOO discount with tax
CBMS ODOO tax without discount CBMS ODOO Discount on Sale Order Discount On Purchase Order discount on purchase orderline
CBMS ODOO Discount on Sale Orderline Discount on Invoice Line CBMS ODOO discount on Invoices discount vendor Bills
CBMS ODOO vendor bills discount on vendor bills CBMS ODOO vendor bill discount on vendor bill CBMS ODOO
Account Discount customer discount
CBMS ODOO sale discount after taxes purchase discount after taxes discount CBMS ODOO
CBMS ODOO sale discount before taxes purchase discount before taxes discount CBMS ODOO
Manages the Discount in Sale order basis on Fix
and Percentage wise as well as for the Invoice.
Manage sales orders and Invoice Discount
Manages the Discount in Sale order line and in whole Sale order basis on Fix
and Percentage wise as well as calculate tax before discount and after
discount and same for the Invoice.
Manage sales and purchase orders and Invoice Discount Manages the Discount in Sale order , Purchase Order and in whole Sale order/Purchase order basis on Fix
and Percentage wise as well as calculate tax before discount and after
discount and same for the Invoice.
discount on sale purchase invoice with tax
discount with tax on Sale Purchase Invoice Discount
Sale Purchase Invoice Discount
tax calculation with discount
sale discount
purchase discount
Invoice Discount
discount with tax
tax without discount
Discount on Sale Order
Discount On Purchase Order
discount on purchase orderline
Discount on Sale Orderline
Discount on Invoice Line (Invoices & Bills)
Account Discount
customer discount
This module also have following separated features.
-Global Discount on Invoice, Discount on purchase order, Global Discount on Sales order
-Discount on sale order line, Discount on purchase order line, Discount on Invoice line
-Discount purchase, Discount sale,Discount Invoice, Discount POS, Disount Order,Order Discount, Point of Sale Discount,Discont on pricelist, Fixed Discount, Percentage Discount, Commission, Discount Tax.
-All in One Discount, All discount, Sales Discount, Purchase Discount,Sales Invoice Discount, Purchase Invoice Discount,CBMS ODOO Discount, OpenERP Discount, Sale Order Discount, Purchase order discount, Invoice line Discount,Discount with Taxes, Order line Discount, sale line discount, purchase line discount,Discount on line.Discount Feature, Discount for all
CBMS ODOO Global Discount on Invoice Discount on purchase order Global Discount on Sales order CBMS ODOO
CBMS ODOO Discount on sale order line Discount on purchase order line Discount on Invoice line
CBMS ODOO Discount purchase Discount sale Discount Invoice Discount POS Disount Order Order Discount CBMS ODOO
CBMS ODOO discount Point of Sale Discount CBMS ODOO Discont on pricelist Fixed Discount Percentage Discount Commission
CBMS ODOO Discount Tax CBMS ODOO sales Global discount purchase Global discount invoice Global discount
CBMS ODOO All in One Discount All discount Sales Discount Purchase Discount Sales Invoice Discount Purchase Invoice Discount
CBMS ODOO Discount OpenERP Discount Sale Order Discount Purchase order discount Invoice line Discount CBMS ODOO
CBMS ODOO Discount with Taxes Order line Discount sale line discount purchase line discount Discount on line discount
CBMS ODOO Discount Feature Discount for all discount and same for the Invoice.
CBMS ODOO discount on sale purchase invoice with tax discount with tax on Sale Purchase Invoice Discount
CBMS ODOO Sale Purchase Invoice Discount tax calculation with discount
CBMS ODOO sale discount purchase discount
CBMS ODOO Invoice Discount CBMS ODOO discount with tax
CBMS ODOO tax without discount CBMS ODOO Discount on Sale Order Discount On Purchase Order discount on purchase orderline
CBMS ODOO Discount on Sale Orderline Discount on Invoice Line CBMS ODOO discount on Invoices discount vendor Bills
CBMS ODOO vendor bills discount on vendor bills CBMS ODOO vendor bill discount on vendor bill CBMS ODOO
Account Discount customer discount
CBMS ODOO discount with taxes sales discount with taxes purchase discount with taxes
CBMS ODOO sale discount after taxes purchase discount after taxes discount CBMS ODOO
CBMS ODOO sale discount before taxes purchase discount before taxes discount CBMS ODOO
This module also have following separated features.
-Global Discount on Invoice, Discount on purchase order, Global Discount on Sales order
-Discount on sale order line, Discount on purchase order line, Discount on Invoice line
-Discount purchase, Discount sale,Discount Invoice, Discount POS, Disount Order,Order Discount, Point of Sale Discount,Discont on pricelist, Fixed Discount, Percentage Discount, Commission, Discount Tax.
-All in One Discount, All discount, Sales Discount, Purchase Discount,Sales Invoice Discount, Purchase Invoice Discount,CBMS ODOO Discount, OpenERP Discount, Sale Order Discount, Purchase order discount, Invoice line Discount,Discount with Taxes, Order line Discount, sale line discount, purchase line discount,Discount on line.Discount Feature, Discount for all
Manages the Discount in Sale order and Purchase order line basis on Fix
and Percentage wise as well as for the Invoice.
-Global Discount on Invoice, Discount on purchase order, Global Discount on Sales order
-Discount on sale order line, Discount on purchase order line, Discount on Invoice line
-Discount purchase, Discount sale,Discount Invoice, Discount POS, Disount Order,Order Discount, Point of Sale Discount,Discont on pricelist, Fixed Discount, Percentage Discount, Commission, Discount Tax
Sale discount sales discount invoice discount with tax amount global discount sale purchase invoice fixed discount on sale order line sale invoice discount customer discount vendor discount on invoice line discount All in one Discount sale invoice discount
CBMS Odoo Purchase & Vendor Bills Discount with Tax Calculation in CBMS ODOO
Manages the Discount in Purchase Order
Purchase & Supplier Invoice Discount with Tax
Purchase Invoice Discount with Tax
Supplier Invoice Discount with Tax
Invoice Discount with Tax
tax calculation on discount invoice
tax calculation discount invoice
invoice tax discounted
invoice tax discounted
Discount in Purchase order line basis
Discount on Supplier Invoice
Discount on purchase Invoice
Manages the Discount in Sale order , Purchase Order and in whole Sale order/Purchase order basis on Fix
and Percentage wise as well as calculate tax before discount and after
discount and same for the Invoice.
This module also have following separated features.
-Global Discount on Invoice, Discount on purchase order, Global Discount on Sales order
-Discount on sale order line, Discount on purchase order line, Discount on Invoice line
-Discount purchase, Discount sale,Discount Invoice, Discount POS, Disount Order,Order Discount, Point of Sale Discount,Discont on pricelist, Fixed Discount, Percentage Discount, Commission, Discount Tax.
-All in One Discount, All discount, Sales Discount, Purchase Discount,Sales Invoice Discount, Purchase Invoice Discount,CBMS ODOO Discount, OpenERP Discount, Sale Order Discount, Purchase order discount, Invoice line Discount,Discount with Taxes, Order line Discount, sale line discount, purchase line discount,Discount on line.Discount Feature, Discount for all
discount and same for the Invoice.
discount on sale purchase invoice with tax
discount with tax on Sale Purchase Invoice Discount
Sale Purchase Invoice Discount
tax calculation with discount
sale discount
purchase discount
Invoice Discount
discount with tax
tax without discount
Discount on Sale Order
Discount On Purchase Order
discount on purchase orderline
Discount on Sale Orderline
Discount on Invoice Line (Invoices & Bills)
Account Discount
customer discount
CBMS ODOO sale invoice discount invoice sale discount CBMS ODOO vendor bill discount purchase vendor bill discount
CBMS ODOO Global Discount on Invoice Discount on purchase order Global Discount on Sales order CBMS ODOO
CBMS ODOO Discount on sale order line Discount on purchase order line Discount on Invoice line
CBMS ODOO Discount purchase Discount sale Discount Invoice Discount POS Disount Order Order Discount CBMS ODOO
CBMS ODOO discount Point of Sale Discount CBMS ODOO Discont on pricelist Fixed Discount Percentage Discount Commission
CBMS ODOO Discount Tax CBMS ODOO sales Global discount purchase Global discount invoice Global discount
CBMS ODOO All in One Discount All discount Sales Discount Purchase Discount Sales Invoice Discount Purchase Invoice Discount
CBMS ODOO Discount OpenERP Discount Sale Order Discount Purchase order discount Invoice line Discount CBMS ODOO
CBMS ODOO Discount with Taxes Order line Discount sale line discount purchase line discount Discount on line discount
CBMS ODOO Discount Feature Discount for all discount and same for the Invoice.
CBMS ODOO discount on sale purchase invoice with tax discount with tax on Sale Purchase Invoice Discount
CBMS ODOO Sale Purchase Invoice Discount tax calculation with discount
CBMS ODOO sale discount purchase discount
CBMS ODOO Invoice Discount CBMS ODOO discount with tax
CBMS ODOO tax without discount CBMS ODOO Discount on Sale Order Discount On Purchase Order discount on purchase orderline
CBMS ODOO Discount on Sale Orderline Discount on Invoice Line CBMS ODOO discount on Invoices discount vendor Bills
CBMS ODOO vendor bills discount on vendor bills CBMS ODOO vendor bill discount on vendor bill CBMS ODOO
Account Discount customer discount
CBMS ODOO sale discount after taxes purchase discount after taxes discount CBMS ODOO
CBMS ODOO sale discount before taxes purchase discount before taxes discount CBMS ODOO
Manages the Discount in Purchase order line basis on Fix
and Percentage wise as well as for the Invoice.
Manage sales orders and Invoice Discount
Manages the Discount in Sale order line and in whole Sale order basis on Fix
and Percentage wise as well as calculate tax before discount and after
discount and same for the Invoice.
Manage sales and purchase orders and Invoice Discount Manages the Discount in Sale order , Purchase Order and in whole Sale order/Purchase order basis on Fix
and Percentage wise as well as calculate tax before discount and after
discount and same for the Invoice.
discount on sale purchase invoice with tax
discount with tax on Sale Purchase Invoice Discount
Sale Purchase Invoice Discount
tax calculation with discount
sale discount
purchase discount
Invoice Discount
discount with tax
tax without discount
Discount on Sale Order
Discount On Purchase Order
discount on purchase orderline
Discount on Sale Orderline
Discount on Invoice Line (Invoices & Bills)
Account Discount
customer discount
This module also have following separated features.
-Global Discount on Invoice, Discount on purchase order, Global Discount on Sales order
-Discount on sale order line, Discount on purchase order line, Discount on Invoice line
-Discount purchase, Discount sale,Discount Invoice, Discount POS, Disount Order,Order Discount, Point of Sale Discount,Discont on pricelist, Fixed Discount, Percentage Discount, Commission, Discount Tax.
-All in One Discount, All discount, Sales Discount, Purchase Discount,Sales Invoice Discount, Purchase Invoice Discount,CBMS ODOO Discount, OpenERP Discount, Sale Order Discount, Purchase order discount, Invoice line Discount,Discount with Taxes, Order line Discount, sale line discount, purchase line discount,Discount on line.Discount Feature, Discount for all
CBMS ODOO Global Discount on Invoice Discount on purchase order Global Discount on Sales order CBMS ODOO
CBMS ODOO Discount on sale order line Discount on purchase order line Discount on Invoice line
CBMS ODOO Discount purchase Discount sale Discount Invoice Discount POS Disount Order Order Discount CBMS ODOO
CBMS ODOO discount Point of Sale Discount CBMS ODOO Discont on pricelist Fixed Discount Percentage Discount Commission
CBMS ODOO Discount Tax CBMS ODOO sales Global discount purchase Global discount invoice Global discount
CBMS ODOO All in One Discount All discount Sales Discount Purchase Discount Sales Invoice Discount Purchase Invoice Discount
CBMS ODOO Discount OpenERP Discount Sale Order Discount Purchase order discount Invoice line Discount CBMS ODOO
CBMS ODOO Discount with Taxes Order line Discount sale line discount purchase line discount Discount on line discount
CBMS ODOO Discount Feature Discount for all discount and same for the Invoice.
CBMS ODOO discount on sale purchase invoice with tax discount with tax on Sale Purchase Invoice Discount
CBMS ODOO Sale Purchase Invoice Discount tax calculation with discount
CBMS ODOO sale discount purchase discount
CBMS ODOO Invoice Discount CBMS ODOO discount with tax
CBMS ODOO tax without discount CBMS ODOO Discount on Sale Order Discount On Purchase Order discount on purchase orderline
CBMS ODOO Discount on Sale Orderline Discount on Invoice Line CBMS ODOO discount on Invoices discount vendor Bills
CBMS ODOO vendor bills discount on vendor bills CBMS ODOO vendor bill discount on vendor bill CBMS ODOO
Account Discount customer discount
CBMS ODOO discount with taxes sales discount with taxes purchase discount with taxes
CBMS ODOO sale discount after taxes purchase discount after taxes discount CBMS ODOO
CBMS ODOO sale discount before taxes purchase discount before taxes discount CBMS ODOO
This module also have following separated features.
-Global Discount on Invoice, Discount on purchase order, Global Discount on Sales order
-Discount on sale order line, Discount on purchase order line, Discount on Invoice line
-Discount purchase, Discount sale,Discount Invoice, Discount POS, Disount Order,Order Discount, Point of Sale Discount,Discont on pricelist, Fixed Discount, Percentage Discount, Commission, Discount Tax.
-All in One Discount, All discount, Sales Discount, Purchase Discount,Sales Invoice Discount, Purchase Invoice Discount,CBMS ODOO Discount, OpenERP Discount, Sale Order Discount, Purchase order discount, Invoice line Discount,Discount with Taxes, Order line Discount, sale line discount, purchase line discount,Discount on line.Discount Feature, Discount for all
Manages the Discount in Sale order and Purchase order line basis on Fix
and Percentage wise as well as for the Invoice.
-Global Discount on Invoice, Discount on purchase order, Global Discount on Sales order
-Discount on sale order line, Discount on purchase order line, Discount on Invoice line
-Discount purchase, Discount sale,Discount Invoice, Discount POS, Disount Order,Order Discount, Point of Sale Discount,Discont on pricelist, Fixed Discount, Percentage Discount, Commission, Discount Tax
purchase discount purchase order discount invoice discount with tax amount global discount invoice fixed discount with tax calculation discount on vendor bill discount with tax vendor discount on invoice All in one Discount purchase discount with tax
CBMS Odoo Employee Payslip based on Timesheet Activity(Hourly)
CBMS ODOO employee timesheet payslip employee playslip hourly bill payslip bill timesheet logged hours reports in timesheet
CBMS ODOO Hourly payslip on Payroll HR hourly payroll payslip based on hourly timesheet payslip intergrated with timesheet.
CBMS ODOO hourly salary calculation for employee payslip calculation based on timesheet activity HR timesheet payroll
CBMS ODOO Hourly payslip for employee,Generate Employee payslip based on timesheet job contract job contracting construction job
CBMS ODOO contracting job contract estimation cost estimation project estimation
CBMS ODOO hourly payroll for employee hourly payroll management CBMS ODOO payslip from timesheet payroll from timesheet
This modules helps to manage contracting,Job Costing and Job Cost Sheet inculding dynamic material request
Apps uses employee payslip based on timesheet activities hourly base payslip salary slip based on timesheet employe hourly payslip from timesheet employee timesheet sheet calculate hourly payslip hourly payroll for employee hourly payroll from timesheet
CBMS Odoo Customize OEM(Boost, Data reset)
<p> App Customize CBMS ODOO (Change Title,Language,Documentation,Quick Debug)<br>
White label CBMS ODOO.<br>
Support CBMS ODOO 15,14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9.<br>
You can config CBMS ODOO, make it look like your own platform.<br>
1. Deletes CBMS ODOO label in footer<br>
2. Replaces “Odoo” in Windows title<br>
3. Customize Documentation, Support, About links and title in usermenu<br>
4. Adds “Developer mode” link to the top right-hand User Menu.<br>
5. Adds Quick Language Switcher to the top right-hand User Menu.<br>
6. Adds Country flags to the top right-hand User Menu.<br>
7. Adds English and Chinese user documentation access to the top right-hand User Menu.<br>
8. Adds developer documentation access to the top right-hand User Menu.<br>
9. Customize “My CBMS ODOO.com account” button<br>
10. Standalone setting panel, easy to setup.<br>
11. Provide 236 country flags.<br>
12. Multi-language Support.<br>
13. Change Powered by CBMS ODOO in login screen.(Please change ‘../views/app_odoo_customize_view.xml’ #15)<br>
14. Quick delete test data in Apps: Sales/POS/Purchase/MRP/Inventory/Accounting/Project/Message/Workflow etc.<br>
15. Reset All the Sequence to beginning of 1: SO/PO/MO/Invoice…<br>
16. Fix CBMS ODOO reload module translation bug while enable english language<br>
17. Stop CBMS ODOO Auto Subscribe(Moved to app_odoo_boost)<br>
18. Show/Hide Author and Website in Apps Dashboard<br>
19. One Click to clear all data (Sometime pls click twice)<br>
20. Show quick upgrade in app dashboard, click to show module info not go to CBMS ODOO.com<br>
21. Can clear and reset account chart. Be cautious<br>
22. Update online manual and developer document to CBMS ODOO12<br>
23. Add reset or clear website blog data<br>
24. Customize CBMS ODOO Native Module(eg. Enterprise) Url<br>
25. Add remove expense data<br>
26. Add multi uninstall modules<br>
27. Add CBMS ODOO boost modules link.<br>
28. Easy Menu manager.<br>
29. Apps version compare. Add Install version in App list. Add Local updatable filter in app list.<br>
30. 1 key export app translate file like .po file.<br>
31. Show or hide CBMS ODOO Referral in the top menu.<br>
32. Fix CBMS ODOO bug of complete name bug of product category and stock location..<br>
33. Add Demo Ribbon Setting.<br>
34. Add Remove all quality data.<br>
35. Fixed for CBMS ODOO 14.<br>
36. Add refresh translate for multi module.<br>
37. Easy noupdate manage for External Identifiers(xml_id)<br>
38. Add Draggable Dialog enable.</p>
<p> This module can help to white label the CBMS ODOO.<br>
Also helpful for training and support for your CBMS ODOO end-user.<br>
The user can get the help document just by one click.<br>
## 在符合odoo开源协议的前提下,去除odoo版权信息,自定义你的odoo<br>
可完全自行设置下列 CBMS ODOO 选项,让 CBMS ODOO 看上去像是你的软件产品<br>
支持CBMS ODOO 15,14,13,12, 11, 10, 9 版本,社区版企业版通用<br>
1. 删除菜单导航页脚的 CBMS ODOO 标签<br>
2. 将弹出窗口中 “Odoo” 设置为自定义名称<br>
3. 自定义用户菜单中的 Documentation, Support, About 的链接<br>
4. 在用户菜单中增加快速切换开发模式<br>
5. 在用户菜单中增加快速切换多国语言<br>
6. 对语言菜单进行美化,设置国旗图标<br>
7. 在用户菜单中增加中/英文用户手册,可以不用翻墙加速了<br>
8. 在用户菜单中增加开发者手册,含python教程,jquery参考,Jinja2模板,PostgresSQL参考<br>
9. 在用户菜单中自定义”My CBMS ODOO.com account”<br>
10. 单独设置面板,每个选项都可以自定义<br>
11. 提供236个国家的国旗文件(部份需要自行设置文件名)<br>
12. 多语言版本<br>
13. 自定义登陆界面中的 Powered by CBMS ODOO<br>
14. 快速删除测试数据,支持模块包括:销售/POS门店/采购/生产/库存/会计/项目/消息与工作流等.<br>
15. 将各类单据的序号重置,从1开始,包括:SO/PO/MO/Invoice 等<br>
16. 修复odoo启用英文后模块不显示中文的Bug<br>
17. 可停用odoo自动订阅功能,避免“同样对象关注2次”bug,同时提升性能<br>
18. 显示/隐藏应用的作者和网站-在应用安装面板中<br>
19. 一键清除所有数据(视当前数据情况,有时需点击2次)<br>
20. 在应用面板显示快速升级按键,点击时不会导航至 CBMS ODOO.com<br>
21. 清除并重置会计科目表<br>
22. 全新升级将odoo12用户及开发手册导航至国内网站,或者自己定义的网站<br>
23. 增加清除网站数据功能<br>
24. 自定义 CBMS ODOO 原生模块跳转的url(比如企业版模块)<br>
25. 增加删除费用报销数据功能<br>
26. 增加批量卸载模块功能<br>
27. 增加odoo加速功能<br>
28. 快速管理顶级菜单<br>
29. App版本比较,快速查看可本地更新的模块<br>
30. 一键导出翻译文件 po<br>
31. 显示或去除 CBMS ODOO 推荐<br>
32. 增加修复品类及区位名的操作<br>
33. 增加 Demo 的显示设置<br>
34. 增加清除质检数据<br>
35. 优化至odoo14适用<br>
36. 可为多个模块强制更新翻译<br>
37. noupdate字段的快速管理,主要针对 xml_id<br>
38. 对话框可拖拽 </p>
<p> 1 click customize CBMS ODOO, reset data. For quick develop. Set brand, boost, reset data, debug. Language Switcher.<br>
Easy Delete data.reset account chart.<br>
customize my CBMS ODOO. CBMS ODOO customize, CBMS ODOO oem.</p>
CBMS Odoo Medical Representative
Functionality to manage Medical Representative data and their visits
acs hms hospital management system medical represenative
Manage Medical Representative data and their visits for Hospital.
CBMS Odoo Hospital Blood Bank Management
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