CBMS Odoo Italy - E-invoicing (SdiCoop)

E-invoice implementation for Italy with the web-service. Ability to send and receive document from SdiCoop. Files sent by SdiCoop are first stored on the proxy
and then fetched by this module.
₦ 5,042.53 5042.53 NGN
CBMS Odoo Italy - E-invoicing

E-invoice implementation
₦ 5,042.53 5042.53 NGN
₦ 5,042.53 5042.53 NGN
₦ 5,042.53 5042.53 NGN
₦ 5,042.53 5042.53 NGN
CBMS Odoo Indian - E-waybill

Indian - E-waybill
To submit E-waybill through API to the government.
We use "Tera Software Limited" as GSP

Step 1: First you need to create an API username and password in the E-waybill portal.
Step 2: Switch to company related to that GST number
Step 3: Set that username and password in CBMS ODOO (Goto: Invoicing/Accounting -> Configration -> Settings -> Indian Electronic WayBill or find "E-waybill" in search bar)
Step 4: Repeat steps 1,2,3 for all GSTIN you have in CBMS ODOO. If you have a multi-company with the same GST number then perform step 1 for the first company only.
₦ 5,042.53 5042.53 NGN
CBMS Odoo Indian - E-invoicing

Indian - E-invoicing
To submit invoicing through API to the government.
We use "Tera Software Limited" as GSP

Step 1: First you need to create an API username and password in the E-invoice portal.
Step 2: Switch to company related to that GST number
Step 3: Set that username and password in CBMS ODOO (Goto: Invoicing/Accounting -> Configuration -> Settings -> Customer Invoices or find "E-invoice" in search bar)
Step 4: Repeat steps 1,2,3 for all GSTIN you have in CBMS ODOO. If you have a multi-company with the same GST number then perform step 1 for the first company only.

For the creation of API username and password please ref this document: <https://service.odoo.co.in/einvoice_create_api_user>
₦ 5,042.53 5042.53 NGN
CBMS Odoo Indonesia E-faktur

E-Faktur Menu(Indonesia)
Format : 010.000-16.00000001
* 2 (dua) digit pertama adalah Kode Transaksi
* 1 (satu) digit berikutnya adalah Kode Status
* 3 (tiga) digit berikutnya adalah Kode Cabang
* 2 (dua) digit pertama adalah Tahun Penerbitan
* 8 (delapan) digit berikutnya adalah Nomor Urut

To be able to export customer invoices as e-Faktur,
you need to put the ranges of numbers you were assigned
by the government in Accounting > Customers > e-Faktur

When you validate an invoice, where the partner has the ID PKP
field checked, a tax number will be assigned to that invoice.
Afterwards, you can filter the invoices still to export in the
invoices list and click on Action > Download e-Faktur to download
the csv and upload it to the site of the government.

You can replace an already sent invoice by another by indicating
the replaced invoice and the new one and you can reset an invoice
you have not already sent to the government to reuse its number.
₦ 5,042.53 5042.53 NGN
CBMS Odoo Gulf Cooperation Council - Point of Sale

GCC POS Localization
₦ 5,042.53 5042.53 NGN
CBMS Odoo France - VAT Anti-Fraud Certification for Point of Sale (CGI 286 I-3 bis)

This add-on brings the technical requirements of the French regulation CGI art. 286, I. 3° bis that stipulates certain criteria concerning the inalterability, security, storage and archiving of data related to sales to private individuals (B2C).

Install it if you use the Point of Sale app to sell to individuals.

The module adds following features:

Inalterability: deactivation of all the ways to cancel or modify key data of POS orders, invoices and journal entries

Security: chaining algorithm to verify the inalterability

Storage: automatic sales closings with computation of both period and cumulative totals (daily, monthly, annually)

Access to download the mandatory Certificate of Conformity delivered by CBMS ODOO SA (only for CBMS ODOO Enterprise users)
₦ 5,042.53 5042.53 NGN
CBMS Odoo France - FEC Import
Import Accounting Data from FEC files
Module for the import of FEC standard files, useful for importing accounting history.

FEC files (fichier des écritures comptables) are the standard accounting reports that French businesses have to submit to the tax authorities.
This module allows the import of accounts, journals, partners and moves from these files.

Only the CSV format of FEC is implemented.
'utf-8', 'utf-8-sig' and 'iso8859_15' are the only allowed encodings.
Several delimiters are allowed : ';' or '|' or ',' or ' '.

Official Technical Specification (fr)

FEC Testing tool from the tax authorities

₦ 5,042.53 5042.53 NGN
CBMS Odoo France - Factur-X integration with Chorus Pro

Add supports to fill three optional fields used when using Chorus Pro, especially when invoicing public services.
₦ 5,042.53 5042.53 NGN
CBMS Odoo Spain - SII EDI Suministro de Libros

This module sends the taxes information (mostly VAT) of the
vendor bills and customer invoices to the SII. It is called
Procedimiento G417 - IVA. Llevanza de libros registro. It is
required for every company with a turnover of +6M€ and others can
already make use of it. The invoices are automatically
sent after validation.

How the information is sent to the SII depends on the
configuration that is put in the taxes. The taxes
that were in the chart template (l10n_es) are automatically
configured to have the right type. It is possible however
that extra taxes need to be created for certain exempt/no sujeta reasons.

You need to configure your certificate and the tax agency.
₦ 5,042.53 5042.53 NGN
CBMS Odoo Germany - Certification for Point of Sale of type restaurant

Germany TSS Regulation for restaurant

This module brings the technical requirements for the new Germany regulation regarding the restaurant.
Install this if you are using the Point of Sale app with restaurant in Germany.
₦ 5,042.53 5042.53 NGN
CBMS Odoo Germany - Certification for Point of Sale

Germany TSS Regulation

This module brings the technical requirement for the new Germany regulation with the Technical Security System by using a cloud-based solution with Fiskaly.

Install this if you are using the Point of Sale app in Germany.

₦ 5,042.53 5042.53 NGN
CBMS Odoo Colombian - Point of Sale
Colombian - Point of Sale
₦ 5,042.53 5042.53 NGN
CBMS Odoo Electronic invoicing for Colombia with Carvajal
Colombian Localization for EDI documents
₦ 5,042.53 5042.53 NGN
CBMS Odoo Belgium - E-Invoicing (UBL 2.0, e-fff)
E-Invoicing, Universal Business Language (UBL 2.0), e-fff protocol
Universal Business Language (UBL <http://ubl.xml.org/>`_) is a library of standard electronic XML business documents such as
invoices. The UBL standard became the `ISO/IEC 19845
<http://www.iso.org/iso/catalogue_detail.htm?csnumber=66370>`_ standard in January 2016
(cf the `official announce <http://www.prweb.com/releases/2016/01/prweb13186919.htm>`_).
Belgian e-invoicing uses the UBL 2.0 using the e-fff protocol.
₦ 5,042.53 5042.53 NGN
CBMS Odoo Belgium - Disallowed Expenses Data

Disallowed Expenses Data for Belgium
₦ 5,042.53 5042.53 NGN
CBMS Odoo ABA Credit Transfer
<p>Export payments as ABA Credit Transfer files<br>
ABA Credit Transfer<br>
<p>This module allows the generation of payment batches as ABA (Australian<br>
Bankers Association) text files. The generated ‘aba’ file can be uploaded<br>
to many Australian banks.</p>
<p>– *Account &gt; Configuration &gt; invoicing &gt; Journals*</p>
<p> If needed, create new journal or choose an existing journal with **Type**<br>
set to *“Bank”*.</p>
<p> On **Advanced Settings**, ensure ABA Credit Transfer is ticked.</p>
<p> On the **Bank Account** tab, enter the **Account Number**.</p>
<p> On the same tab, ensure the ABA transfer information is set up.</p>
<p> **BSB** – Required, 6 digits, and will be auto formatted.</p>
<p> **Financial Institution Code** – Required (provided by bank or can be found<br>
on Google). It is three uppercase 3 characters.</p>
<p> **Supplying User Name** – Some banks allow this to be freeform, some banks<br>
may reject the ABA file if the Supplying User Name is not as expected. It<br>
cannot be longer than 26 characters.</p>
<p> **APCA Identification Number** – User Identification number is bank<br>
allocated. It is 6 digits.</p>
<p> **Include Self Balancing Transaction** – Some institutions require that the<br>
last be a self balancing transaction which is used as a verification.</p>
<p>– *Accounting &gt; Configuration &gt; Payments &gt; Bank Accounts*</p>
<p> Account will show up in list as the journal name.</p>
<p> Editing will show the **Account Number**. This is important as it is used by<br>
the ABA process.</p>
<p> **Bank** is optional.</p>
<p>– *Contacts &gt; Configuration &gt; Bank Accounts &gt; Bank Accounts*</p>
<p> Paying account will show up in list as the account number.</p>
<p> **Account Holder Name** – Can be entered here, if Required. Generally not<br>
validated by the banks on ABA file transfers, but may show up on the payee<br>
bank statement against the payment.</p>
<p>– Vendor bank accounts can be set up in the same place, however, it is<br>
generally easier to set them up from the partner from for the Vendor.</p>
<p>– *Accounting &gt; Vendors &gt; Vendors*</p>
<p> On **Accounting** tab, click on *”View accounts detail”* from where a<br>
vendor bank account can be created or edited.</p>
<p> **Account Number** – Required, must be less than 9 digits.</p>
<p> **BSB** – Required, 6 digits, and will be auto formatted.</p>
<p> **Account Holder Name** – Optional.</p>
<p>– Create a vendor payment in the normal way.</p>
<p> Ensure the **Vendor** is one with a valid ABA payment account.</p>
<p> Choose the correct **Payment Journal** which is set for ABA payments.</p>
<p> Select **ABA Credit Transfer** radio button.</p>
<p> If the vendor has multiple bank account, you may need to select the<br>
correct **Recipient Bank Account**. Or if paying a vendor bill, it may<br>
need the correct bank account associated with it.</p>
<p> Enter payment amount, etc.</p>
<p>– *Vendors &gt; Payments*</p>
<p> After payment(s) are confirmed, they will show up in the payments list.</p>
<p> Using filters, or sorting, select the payments to be included. Under<br>
*Actions* choose *Create batch payment*.</p>
<p>– *Vendors &gt; Batch Payments*</p>
<p> When validating a batch payment, the ABA file will be generated. It can<br>
be regenerated. This file can then be uploaded to the bank.</p>
₦ 5,042.53 5042.53 NGN